healing stories

body protectors


healing stories

Sarah traveled a lot for work, but she still had some travel anxiety. She began merging with her body protector before boarding the plane - and actually before heading to the airport, and felt great relief as her stress level dropped.

from being united with a body protector

from being united with a body protector

healing stories

Once united with her body protector, Lumi felt so much more confidence. There was a way that she felt not so alone as she navigated the hallways of her school, She began to feel that she could confidently walk, feeling bolstered by her partnerhsip with her protector. Her social anxiety was greatly reduced when she remembered to call upon her body protector. Something she noticed was more pronounced if she forgot. 

from being united with a body protector

healing stories

Jon was always losing things, but a lovely side advantage he found with having a body protector was that he could ask them to help manage his water bottle and backpack when he was out in the world. This simple ask of his body protector helped because he would inevitably feel the pull towards his things before he left a space. In essence, his body protector was communicating with him. 

Since the pandemic especially, Mia was hyper aware of germs and colds that she might be exposed to. She found that if she called upon her body protectors to help her before doing the grocery shopping, or when needing to attend school events for her kids, she was able to let her anxiety go and trust her energetic protections. 

from being united with a body protector

healing stories